The Root Acupuncture - Pricing Update

Please be aware that we will be have a pricing update for our acupuncture services.  We always tries to keep the cost of our goods and services at a low price for our patients, but we are making changes due to increasing business expenses.


The following changes took effect on July 16, 2018:

  • Acupuncture/Herbal Follow-Up Treatment……………… $90 (was  $80)
  • NEW Patient Intake Consultation and Treatment……….$120 (was $100)
  • Fire Cupping Session Only………………………………………$40 (was $25)
  • New Patient – Consultation Only……………………………..Free (no change)
  • Herbal Consultation Only……………………………………….$40 (no change)
  • Auricular (Ear) Session Only……………………………………$25 (no change)
  • Injection Therapy………………………………………………….Various (no change)


We want to thank you for your business and for trusting us as part of your wellness team. We appreciate work with all of you! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to any of our team members.

As a reminder, we do offer a free 30 minute acupuncture consultation if you or a loved one is interested in learning more about this amazing medicine. The highest compliment our patients can give us is the referral of their family and friends.